Svaasa Holistic Wellness

Tai Chi

Control your ‘chi’ and embrace harmony, youthfulness, progress, high performance, peace of mind and happiness.

Chi is a non-competitive, self paced, low impact exercise suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

Tai Chi is a form of meditative exercise with slow movements and deep breaths. This ancient mind-body practice has shown value in treating and preventing mental and physical health concerns. Applicable for anyone even if they aren’t in perfect shape or the best of health.

Benefits of Tai Chi

Qi – an energy force flowing through the body; tai chi helps unblock and encourage the
proper flow of qi.

Yin and yang – opposing elements in the universe that need to be kept in harmony. Tai chi helps
promote this balance.

Qigong – breath work or energy work, consists of gentle breathing sometimes combined with movement. It helps relax the mind and mobilize the body’s energy.

Tai Chi and Qi Gong work with breath, posture and intention through slow, coordinated movements. It is a kind of meditative exercise. It is a profound art, science and poetry that reveals how the movements we perform in internal arts, uniting our body and our breathing, can open us to infinite miracles!

Qi Gong is an ancient health and longevity exercise that is practiced as disease prevention by cultivating and balancing the Qi.

Qi – an energy force flowing through the body; tai chi helps unblock and encourage the proper flow of qi.

Yin and Yang –  opposing elements in the universe that need to be kept in harmony. Tai chi helps promote this balance.

Qi Gong – breath work or energy work, consists of gentle breathing sometimes combined with movement. It helps relax the mind and mobilize the body’s energy.

Tai Chi is all about control over your chi your life force.

  • When you are not in sync with your chi, you have chaos, weakness, low productivity, mental & emotional imbalance, premature ageing and disease.
  • When you have control over your chi you have order, harmony, youthfulness, progress, high performance, peace of mind, power and happiness.

It is primarily practiced standing, although it can be done seated. It utilises the whole body, as arms/legs and upper/lower body moves in a coordinated manner. It is a pre-defined memorised sequence of movements.

CST (Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle and non-invasive form of massage that works with the cranial bones, spine and sacrum to relieve stress, pain and dysfunction.

These modalities can make an imperative and essential positive impact on our ailing health and life systems. They can help with problems like migraines, chronic pains, autism, childhood disorders, brain and spinal injuries, fatigue, ADHD, PTSD, cancer care, emotional imbalance, stress, depression etc.

Meet Your Expert

Ms. Sonika Vickraman



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